Baked or Pan-Fried Fish
This recipe uses our Rechard Masala which was traditionally used for fish and seafood. The Goan word ‘Rechard’ or ‘Recheado’ derives from the Portuguese word recheio which means ‘to stuff or fill’, and this masala was used to rub all over fish - inside and out - before baking or frying.
This is a very flexible recipe and can be used for whole fish, fillets, fish steaks and even prawns, squid or other seafood.
Make sure to season with salt before adding 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Rechard Masala and rubbing all over. If using whole fish, you can score the skin, as in the photo, to cover as much area as possible..
Leave to marinate before pan-frying in a little oil, or wrap in a tin-foil parcel and bake at 180 degrees for approximately 15-20 minutes. You can leave it uncovered for part of the cook if you want it crispy.
For a milder flavour, try combining the Rechard Masala with a little coconut milk before coating your seasoned fish.